240, "Insert a boot diskette that you would like to add the Dynamic Drive Overlay to.\n\nAdvanced: If you need to modify any of the DDO switches, do so before selecting next. For more information, see the \"Dynamic Drive Overlay Switch Settings\" help topic."
241, "To use the selected option, you must first choose a drive on the right.\n\nIf there are existing partitions on the drive, you can view the partition information by expanding the tree."
242, "Use the \"Copy a Partition\" option to copy all files from a source partition to a destination partition.\n\nUse the Set Hard Drive Size option to instruct the hard drive to report a size smaller than it actually is.\n\nUse the Zero Fill Drive (Full) option to completely erase all data on a drive.\n\nUse the Zero Fill Drive(Quick) to zero out the first 63 sectors of a drive."
243, "This command will instruct the selected hard drive to report, during boot, a size smaller than its true capacity.\n\nIn this condition the computer's BIOS will not support the drive to its full capacity, but it will allow a machine with a BIOS limitation to boot with the drive in the system instead of locking up during the Power On Self Test (POST)."
244, "The Display Technical Hard Drive Information option shows the detailed specifications for a selected hard drive.\n\nThe View Hard Drive Jumper Settings option shows the jumper settings for a specific hard drive in the Disk Manager drive database."
245, "The following manual contains instructions to help you move your new drive to the boot position."
246, "Quick Help"
247, "View the custom installation manual for instructions on installing your new hard drive into the computer."
248, "Check the box on the right and select \"Next\" to print the custom installation manual."
249, "Print Manual"
250, "Selected Drive:\t"
251, "To view jumper information, select the manufacturer and drive model and then select the appropriate configuration."